Atiq Ahmad Bhatti, RSHom, FBIH, BA (Hons)
4th-Generation Registered Professional Homeopath
Serving Humanity around the world through Homeopathy
A seasoned broadcaster, podcaster, public speaker, writer and blogger, who has been promoting the benefits of Homeopathy for over 25 years.
Atiq runs a busy international clinic in Berkshire, U.K., helping and supporting patients from around the world with their health concerns.
He has presented several shows on Homeopathy for television and is often asked for his expert opinion on the healing benefits of Homeopathy and its role as complementary and integrative medicine in the 21st century.
He has authored articles for national and international magazines, and delivers workshops and talks on Homeopathy and the many different modalities within this system of healing.
Atiq presents the Homeopathy Health Show on UK Health Radio, and writes all things Homeopathy for the monthly Health Triangle Magazine.
Charles Tankard Hahnemann
4th-Great-Grandson of Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann
Founder of Homeopathy
"Dear Atiq,
As a direct descendant of the founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, I wish to extend my best wishes to you for your efforts in promoting the benefits of Homeopathy.
I am pleased to note that you are a 4th generation Homeopath and commend you and your family for this tremendous commitment to Homeopathy and its practice.
I am delighted to know that Homeopathy has a place on radio now with your Homeopathy Health Show on UK Health Radio, and sincerely hope that it continues to provide a solid educational platform for people around the world who wish to utilize Homeopathy.
The standards set by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann over 200 years ago are just as important as they were at that time, and to know them thoroughly and continue with research is of paramount importance for the future of Homeopathy and Homeopathic Practitioners.
I wish you well and look forward to your continued success in Homeopathy and your radio show."
Charles Tankard Hahnemann
The 'Voice' of Homeopathy on Radio & Podcast
Join Atiq Ahmad Bhatti every week on UK Health Radio for all things Homeopathy and Natural Health with the Homeopathy Health Show
"The Homeopathy Health Show provides a unique radio and podcast platform that enables me to utilize all that is best in the world of Homeopathy, put it all together, and present it for all to listen, understand, acknowledge, and find healing."
Atiq Ahmad Bhatti
Host, The Homeopathy Health Show